Become a CREIA Vendor Today!

Put Your Product or Service in Front of over 300 CREIA members!
CREIA members spend tens of millions of dollars each year building and running their real estate businesses.
If you have an awesome product or service they should know about, connect with our community through a vendor membership and get regular access to over 300 CREIA members!
Not only will you get full access to our members at all of our meetings, but you'll also get promotional opportunities ranging from ads in our newsletter all the way to chances to be a guest speaker at 2 of our focus groups per year!
Benefits of Becoming a CREIA Vendor:
GOLD Tier ($1,000): This premium package includes membership for 3 individuals, a full table at our main meeting, a 1/2 page advertising in our newsletter, a featured spot for your logo on our website and the opportunity to be a guest speaker at 2 focus groups per year, maximizing your brand's visibility.
SILVER Tier ($750): Tailored for businesses seeking solid engagement, this tier includes membership for 2 individuals, a full table at our main meeting, a 1/2 page advertising in our newsletter, a featured spot for your logo on our website and a guest speaker spot at 1 focus group per year.
BRONZE Tier ($600): Ideal for smaller businesses, this package includes membership for 2 individuals, a half table at our main meeting, a 1/4 page advertising in our newsletter, AND a feature spot for your logo on our website, keeping your brand in the spotlight.
All sponsorships include a free table at our vendor expo (a $129 value).
How To Become a Vendor
CREIA Vendor Policies and Process to Apply:
- You will need to download and complete a vendor application and submit payment. Feel free to provide supporting information about your specific services.
- You may submit the application one of three ways:
- Email the completed application to: .
- Mail the application and a check to: P.O. Box 615, Asheville, NC 28802.
- Bring the application and check in person to a Main Monthly Meeting.
- Your application will be reviewed by our Vendor Committee. We may contact you for further discussion and questions.
- The Board of Directors reserves the right, at their discretion, to research any applicant and their business.
- Submission of payment does not guarantee acceptance into the CREIA Vendor Program. Your check will only be deposited if you are accepted by the Vendor Committee. If you are denied, your check will be returned to you, uncashed.
Select the sponsorship level that best suits your business needs and budget. Our Vendor Tiered Memberships are designed to provide flexibility. Each membership offers full access to CREIA, along with affiliate memberships with our sister group, Upstate CREIA in Greenville, SC. Additionally, all sponsorships include a free table at our vendor expo (a $129 value).
Questions? Want personal assistance?
Call our Interim Vendor Coordinator, Jennifer Newby at 914-844-9971 OR
Email us at
Gold Sponsorship for 3 |
$1000.00 |
Annually |
Silver Sponsorship for 2 |
$750.00 |
Annually |
Bronze Sponsorship for 2 |
$600.00 |
Annually |