Learn How To Invest in Notes To Generate Passive Income
With Group Leader David Kahl!
CREIANC'S 8th Focus Group aims to hone your skills as a Notes Investor to help you create passive income!
Be sure to bring a financial calculator like the HP-10bII or download one onto your phone.
What is Note Investing in Real Estate? Real estate notes are created when a property buyer finances the purchase of their property through a mortgage loan, which provides collateral for the Note. The investor becomes the lender, and the property owner becomes the borrower, paying the investor the same way he/she would pay a bank.
A long-time member of CREIANC & real estate investor, David will answer your questions & point you in the right direction.
Date: 4th Tuesday of each month
Time: 6:00 - 7:45 pm
Location: Burial Beer Co. Forestry Camp Taproom, 10 Shady Oak Drive, Asheville, NC 28803
Topic: Notes -- buying, selling, trading, & holding them for passive income; Discussions & Q&A.
Focus Group Leader: David Kahl, david@kahlproperties.com, (828) 458-5610
Topics may include:
- Challenges & how to overcome them
- How to get started
- Deal Review
All applicable discussions welcome!
See you there!
-- Your CREIANC Success Team!